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The Liam Rector Scholarship Fund Challenge

Raised toward our $35,000 Goal
144 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 11:00 PM EST
Project Owners

The Liam Rector Scholarship Fund Challenge

Established in 2004 as part of the Writing Seminars 10th Anniversary, the Liam Rector Scholarship Fund honors the founder and former director of the Writing Seminars at Bennington College. The fund awards scholarships based on merit and need in all three genres—fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

Alumni V. Hansmann (nonfiction, June ’11) and Carole Merritt (fiction, January ’96) have challenged us to collectively give $35,000 by December 31. If that goal is met, they will contribute an additional $35,000 as a match. As an additional incentive, the Freas Foundation has generously pledged $7,000 toward this endowment goal.

Now more than ever, applicants are expressing a need for tuition assistance. Your donation enables the Writing Seminars’ continued success in attracting talented writers and offering scholarships to students committed to learning the art of writing and leading a life of letters. These fellow writers add new, diverse voices to our community, ensuring the Seminars will remain one of the country’s premier writing programs well into the future.



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As a thank you to everyone who contributes $100 to the Liam Rector Fund, we will send you a copy of Liam’s book of poetry, "The Sorrow of Architecture" — generously donated by Tree Swenson.



As a thank you to everyone who contributes $100 or more to the Liam Rector Fund, we will send you a copy of Liam’s book of poetry, "The Sorrow of Architecture" — generously donated by Tree Swenson.